Course prepares for the Harvest of Canola 2011

In the middle of April, sowing of canola begins, in line with agroclimatic zoning, and it is like the intuition of preparing farmers, technicians and others who are interested in it that ABrasCanola (Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Canola) and the Grupo DRS Biofuels (Sustainable Regional Development) promote the "V Course of Training and Technological Dissemination", next Tuesday (03/01), in the auditorium of Embrapa Trigo, in Passo Fundo/RS.

During the activity, which happens from 8:00am to 6:00pm, panels and lectures, which will approach the public support to the production of Canola, evaluation of harvest 2010, system of support to the production and market, climatic perspectives, handling of planting and harvest, among others, will be presented. The event is opened to whom it may concern with free and limited enrolments in the opening of the Course.

At the occasion, ABrasCanola (Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Canola), which was founded in December 2010 in Passo Fundo, will also be presented. The entity will deliver to representatives of the Federal Government a document in which a different treatment to this crop is demanded. The objective is to build a National Program to Encourage the Production and Use of Canola.

To the Coordinator of the Development Department of BSBIOS Fábio Júnior Benin, the increase of area shows the strengthening of this crop, "Canola has been consolidating because it is profitable to producer, it presents good yield, it is a great option in the crop rotation, among other factors. This year, we wish to grow even more, the goal is to reach 20 thousand of area planted improved by BSBIOS", he asserted.

According to the Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (CONAB), in Brazil the area grown with Canola in 2010, harvest 2010/11, was 46.3 thousand hectares, superior in 49.4% to the harvest of 2009 that planted 31 thousand hectares. Among the states that grow Canola, Rio Grande do Sul is the largest producer, with 64.99% of the total produced in the country. BSBIOS improved an area of 15 thousand ha distributed in 60 towns of the Northeast and Northwest regions of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná in 2010.