National Canola Crop Opening is next Tuesday

Harvest expectation is over the last one recorded in 2009

News about the crop, growth techniques and handling of the crop harvest will be some of the knowledge discussed during the "National Opening of Canola Crop 2010" and the "Field Day of Canola Crop" that will happen next Tuesday (09-21) in Colorado. The event will present dynamics with cut platform and windrowing and technical stands. The Secretary of Agricultura, Pecuária, Pesca e Agronegócio Gilmar Tietböhl will honor this activity. According to the coordinator of the Development Sector of BSBIOS, Fábio Júnior Benin, "canola crops are in the final stage of development and grain filling and handling of crops must begin next week". He emphasizes that the areas have developed well. "The expectation on the productivity is over the one registered in the harvest of 2009, since sowing have been accomplished in advance in comparison with last crop, and the weather over the development of the crop has been more favorable for the establishment of areas with greater productive potential. The last raining period registered in the final stage of the development will allow the crop to finish its cycle without water deficit.

Crops must last from the end of September to the first fortnight of November, since sowing also happen in similar number of days in all region BSBIOS acts, which comprises more than 60 towns of North, Northeast and Northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul, with a total of 15.000 ha acreage.

The opening of the National Canola Crop will happen next Tuesday (09-21), from 12:30 am, in the Agropecuária Ireneu Antônio Vian, in the town of Colorado. The activity is a fulfillment of BSBIOS, Produfort, Cotrijal, Embrapa-Trigo, Sindicato Rural de Colorado and Emater, with the support of Banco do Brasil, Grupo DRS Biocombustíveis, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais de Colorado, ACICOL, UPF, Prefeitura de Colorado and Banrisul ans sponsored by John Deere concessionária Castelmaq, Sicredi and Kuhn. Free entrance. Information can be obtained by phone (54) 2103-7144.