ABRASCANOLA requests the Federal Government actions for the development of Canola

Last Monday (06/06), the President of the Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Canola (ABrasCanola) and the CEO of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella participated in the meeting of the Inter-ministerial Executive Committee of Biodiesel (CEIB), at the Civil House, in Brasília. The purpose of the meeting was to deepen a general assessment on the Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel (PNPB) along with representatives of the productive chain as well as discussing measures and actions, aiming at the development of the Program.

The activity, which is coordinated by the Civil House, by Mr. Rodrigo Augusto Rodrigues, joined representatives of the Ministries of Mines and Energy, Agriculture and Supply, National Integration, Transportation, Rural Development, Finance, Science and Technology and Petroleum National Agency, Natural Gas and Biofuel to leaders of the associations of vegetable oil crops like ABrasCanola, Agropalma, Abiove, Aprosoja, ABPPM, among others.

The meeting was the first official invitation from the Federal Government to ABrasCanola, showing that the crop has gained more importance in the national scenario. According to the President, at this first moment, the entity, which objective is to represent the productive chain and to strengthen Canola growth, was presented. "We show information about the works that have been accomplished in Brazil, the potentials and the needs of the crop, which objective is to increase its development", he asserted.

The space has also allowed the presentation of pleas of entity. Battistella emphasized that "resources towards research of new varieties are necessary, searching to increase production, research to the improvement of fertilization, inputs, among others. It was also requested that the crop is valued when the purpose of production is energetic mainly, becuase biodiesel is a social fuel which includes small farmers in the production of the vegetable oil crop. Yet, it was requested that the biodiesel produced from Canola has a differentiated treatment, and a market for its exportation, besides having a percentage increase of mixture of biodiesel to diesel, what would make the demand for raw material grows, and consequently, the demand for Canola. "The government promised to evaluate the pleas in such a manner that in the new regulatory mark of PNPB, which is being structured, all actions to benefit Canola are contemplated. To the President, the meeting was very productive, "We have observed that the Government has a great interest in developing new crops, it is endeavoring so that diversification of crops is given more attention. To ABrasCanola, the meeting was very important because the Association is young, it was formed a few months ago, and the Federal Government recognized the entity as representative of a productive chain, "we shall participate in the discussion of actions that promote the development of PNPB and the crop," Battistella stated.