

Antônio Roso assumes FIERGS/CIERGS next Thursday

Businessman will assume vice-presidency of FIERGS/CIERGS

Next Thursday (14), at Sesi Theater in Porto Alegre, ceremony 2011/2014 to the board of directors of the Federation and Center of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul (FIERGS/CIERGS) will occur. As vice-president of CIERGS the vice-president of the Management Council of BSBIOS, Antônio Roso will assume.

To the businessman, it is important to participate actively in FIERGS/CIERGS. "Since 1991 I act as vice-president of the entity and believe that entities that join efforts can improve their development and their work. A strong industrial sector is important for the development of the State," he stated.

Businessman Heitor José Müller will assume the presidency of the entity; the position was taken by Paulo Fernandes Tigre. The ceremony happens on 14 of July, at 08:00pm, at Sesi Theater in Porto Alegre (RS).

Photos of the ceremony may be seen by clicking here or accessing the gallery