APROBIO and Parliamentary Front received support from the Ministry of Mines and Energy and Agricultu


Sector aims that definitions are presented this year


This Wednesday (09), in Brasília (DF), the Association of Biodiesel Producers of Brazil - APROBIO and the Parliamentary Front of Biodiesel accomplish a series of meetings to show the demands of the productive chain of Biodiesel. A document with the proposal of a new Regulatory Mark to the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel - PNPB II was delivered to the Minister of Mines and Energy, Edson Lobão, to the Interim Minister of Agriculture, José Carlos Vaz, and to the President of the Federal House of Representatives, Marco Maia.

According to the President of APROBIO, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, who is also the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS, which is a gaúcha industry of Biodiesel, it is urgent that a Regulatory Mark is in force this year. "Producers are concerned about the future of the Sector, we have no expectations towards advances in the market and this jeopardizes the growth of all the productive chain," he emphasized.

The Interim Minister of Agriculture, José Carlos Vaz, asserted that he supports the claim of the sector to the elaboration of a new legislation that contemplates the increase of Biodiesel consumption in the whole country. The same thought was shared with the Minister of Mines and Energy, Edson Lobão, when the team formed by producers' parliamentary and representatives was received, he not only declared his support to the elaboration of a new Regulatory Mark but also asked producers to send suggestions so that the technicians of his Ministry elaborate a protocol on the new regulation to be directed to the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic and, later, to the National Congress.

Minister Lobão emphasized that "the ex-president Lula always supported the program of Biodiesel production, and president Dilma also appreciates it very much, especially, because of the incentive the program offers to family agriculture", said Lobão, asserting the social character of the biodiesel production.

The President of the Parliamentary Front of Biodiesel, federal deputy Jerônimo Göergen, team that counts on more than 280 parliamentary, reminded that "the government had assumed the commitment of delivering protocol of the new Regulatory Mark of the sector to the Congress still this semester, there is great expectation by the productive chain to foster its development and competitiveness. We have made our efforts so that the deadline is met ".

The president of APROBIO asserted that Brazil owns the best Biodiesel production program in the world, but now, a new boost is necessary. "53% of the Brazilian industries capacity is idle. We aim at placing B7 in force in the beginning of 2012, with annual and gradual increase of the mixture of Biodiesel in Mineral Diesel Oil in long term, aiming at the productive chain structuring for the next 10 years," emphasized Battistella.

According to producers, nowadays, Brazil would have capacity to produce more than 6 billion liters of Biodiesel, but the national production shall be 2.8 billion this year.

In the document handed to ministers and the president of the Deputy Chamber, in Brasília, a gradual and annual increase of Biodiesel mixture in Mineral Diesel Oil is also highlighted, which might reach 20% addition in the next 10 years, the generation of incentives for Biodiesel export and raw material diversification of the fuel, and the correction of tax distortions the sector has faced, are points that must be included in the PNPB II.