

Biodiesel mandate applauded

The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) congratulated the federal government for setting a start date of July 1, 2011 for implementation of a two percent inclusion standard for biofuel in all diesel fuel sold in Canada. The announcement was made earlier today by Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Gerry Ritz and Environment Minister Peter Kent.

"We are absolutely thrilled with this announcement," said CCC president JoAnne Buth. "This is good for our canola growers, good for the environment, and good news for Canada's economy."

Buth estimates that today's announcement will create a sustainable domestic market for canola seed of about one million tonnes annually. "In addition to contributing positively to environmental sustainability, the renewable fuel standard will provide an important new market for a growing Canadian canola sector."

"Not only has canola proven to be an excellent feedstock for biodiesel in Canada's cold weather conditions, but it is also an environmentally sound choice," said Buth.

The recently-released Lifecycle Analysis Canola Biodiesel commissioned by the CCC showed that Canadian canola as a feedstock in biodiesel reduces lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) by 90 percent compared to fossil diesel.

In another study, the Alberta Renewable Diesel Demonstration proved that canola biodiesel performed well in practical, on-road tests in cold weather.

" Today's announcement will help Canadian industry develop a biodiesel sector based on canola - the best performing and one of the most environmentally sound feedstocks available." Buth said. "We hope that the federal government's next step is to invest in biodiesel plant capacity in western Canada so we can produce canola biodiesel in Canada and keep the value added jobs in our own country."