

Biofuel makes canola production to increase 40%

Canola, the third more produced vegetable oil crop in the world, has gaining space in the Brazilian market. According to data from the Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab), the production estimate in the harvest of 2009/2010 is 42 thousand ton, 40% more than in the previous cycle. In 2008, the production was 30 thousand ton, and in 2007, it reached 20 thousand ton. As a worldwide vegetable oil crop commodity, canola represents 16% production of vegetable oils, behind soybean (33%) and palm oil (34%).

"Canola production increase is a result of the consolidation of biodiesel industry in Brazil", asserted the coordinator of the Agroenergia do Ministério da Agricultura, Denílson Ferreira. For him, Brazilian industry of biofuels can contribute to enlarge the diversified offer of oils, like soybean, sunflower, cactus pear fruit, palm oil and canola.

Area - Canola growth occupies an area of 30 thousand hectares in three of the most grain producer states in the country: Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul. This will result in 1.3 thousand kg per hectare and, considering that the grain which has nearly 40% oil, it will be produced 500 liters per hectare. "It is a significant volume, since it can be changed by using other crops, like soybean, maize and wheat", he emphasized.

Health - Researches of the Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) point that canola oil can help to prevent heart diseases. Rich in Omega 3, a fatty acid that helps to reduce the "low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C)" and to increase the "non-high-density lipoprotein (non-HDL-C)", canola oil also helps to control blood pressure, according to the researchers of UERJ.

World - In Europe, canola is one of the most important raw materials for biodiesel, including because the utilization of grains discharged by commercialization. But vegetable oil meal concentrates from 34 to 38 % proteins, that is why it is used in the formulation of animal meals. Sophia Gebrim / Fonte: Biodieselbr