BSBIOS and Emater promote encounter on soybean classification

Activity provided an opportunity to the exchange of information on procedures

Last Saturday (22), in the auditorium of BSBIOS, collaborators of BSBIOS and Emater/RS gathered in order to discuss about the process of soybean classification. The objective was to set the norms and rules used in the process of grains classification in accordance with the Normative Instruction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) and the procedures taken by BSBIOS. Today, Emater provides service of classification to the passo-fundense industry, verifying in loco in the origin, the product that is being issued so that it is in accordance with the company's patterns of classification and reception.

The activity began with the presentation of an industrial complex of BSBIOS and the work teams. Next, procedures of soybean classification used in the industry, norms of Good Practices of Manufacturing and HAACCP (Analysis of Dangers and Critical Points of Control), which consists of a system of food security management, were presented. After that, the participants could follow the practical part of reception and classification of soybean.

To the Coordinator of Supplies of BSBIOS, Leandro Luiz Zat, these activities are very important to line the procedures. "BSBIOS aims at the grain quality that it receives, thus it considers important that its raw material has high pattern that will influence the final product", he asserted.

According to the Supervisor of Classification and Certification Management of Emater/RS, Jair Omar Meller Domenighi, to the entity, this approach is very positive. "Here, doubts about the process could be solved, our technicians exchanged theoretical information and visualized the practice of the procedure adopted by the company and what is going to be the base of the work accomplished in the origin of grains," he emphasized. Antonio Airton Polippo, the coordinator of the Classification and Certification Unit (UCC) of Passo fundo, has been managing the service of Emater. The encounter counted on the presence of approximately 50 people, where 20 of them were classifiers of Emater from several regions of the State.