BSBIOS and Emater sign a term of cooperation to improve canola for family agriculture

Event marked the broadcast of the Canola commercialization politics

The first day of Expodireto 2011 was crowded, with many authorities visiting the park. At noon, at the stand of BSBIOS, a term of cooperation between BSBIOS and Emater/RS was signed. Its objective was to make the improvement of canola feasible for family farmers and rural producers. The document was signed by the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella and by the Chairman of Emater/RS Lino de David, in the presence of the State Secretary of Development and Cooperativism Ivar Pavan, the State Deputy Diógenes Basegio and Barbosa Velho, Administrative Director of Emater Valdir Zonin, Director Vice President of FETAG Joel da Silva and the Advisor for Agricultural Politics and Environment Alexandre Scheifler.

The Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella seemed to be very happy for renovating the agreement of cooperation with Emater. "It is important at this moment because we could join here the technical assistance, which is important to develop any crop, and the government representation of the Secretary that will provide assistance to the cooperative system of the State. BSBIOS shows that is committed to family agriculture", he emphasized. Battistella spoke about the credibility that Emater has with the man of the field. "This agreement reinforces our work, because when the farmer has a doubt, he or she appeals to the body, and if the technician of Emater says that it is not adequate to plant, he does not plant, that is why it is important to disseminate knowledge with all offices so that the technicians are promoters of crop diversification. Canola is an important and feasible crop for the production of biodiesel", the Chief Executive Officer stressed. The Chairman of Emater Lino de David spoke on the direct relation between agriculture and biodiesel. "The theme of biofuels is a reality, and in the case of BSBIOS, it has a very strong relationship with family agriculture, because it allows that the farmer can produce and have guarantee of commercialization which is an important aspect, besides the Social Fuel Stamp that prioritizes the origin of raw material of the small producer. Yet, it also encourages diversification, as for instance, Canola which is a winter crop, and can be a very important economic activity for the period where lands are idle," David asserted.

The State Secretary of Development and Cooperativism Ivar Pavan emphasized the partnership, "Simple actions like this one of making an agreement between Emater and BSBIOS that draw projects in a slow but progressive process may change many people's life. We are sure that monoculture is not an alternative for family agriculture. That is why the politics of diversification makes part of guidelines of our work. We cannot forget that it must be highly professionalized".


Politics of Canola Commercialization


During Expodireto 2011 farmers who contract the Harvest of Canola will have special conditions. The announcement was done by the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella, who emphasized that our value has increased in 15% in comparison with the increase last year. "We hope to commercialize the 12 first sacks of Canola, that is, the cost of production at R$ 46,00 and for the family farmer a bonus of R$ 1,00 and also a differentiate price in seed which is imported. During the fair there is a promotional price the crop that begins its growth in April 11th", he emphasized.