

BSBIOS and Sicredi sign cooperation term

Partnership which has the purpose of encouraging canola production

On this Monday (15/03), at 2:00 pm, at the stand of BSBIOS at Parque de Exposições da XIª Expodireto Cotrijal 2010, BSBIOS Indústria e Comércio de Biodiesel Sul Brasil SA and Sicredi closed an agreement of cooperation aiming at encouraging canola production, with energetic purpose of meeting the programa nacional de produção de biodiesel - PNPB. The term was signed by the chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, by the chairman of Sicredi Planalto Médio Ari Rosso and by the chairman of Sicredi Central Sul Orlando Borges Muller.

The commitment has as basic principle to deal the general lines that will direct canola production in 2010. According to the chief executive officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the objective is to make vegetable oil crops financially viable as well. "Year by year canola production has increased in the south region of the country, in 2007 it were 3500 hectares, in 2008 7000 ha were produced, in 2009 we reached 10000 ha, our objective is to reach 10000 ha, for that purpose we tried to make financing means for production to producers and cooperatives and cereal producers, viable", he asserted.

The chairman of Sicredi Planalto Médio Ari Rosso, showed confidence in participating in this partnership, "it is with great pleasure that we reassert our partnership in this project", he concluded.