BSBIOS announces mark of 200 million liters of biodiesel

On Monday afternoon (07/12), with the presence of the chairman of Petrobrás Biofuel (PBio), Miguel Rosseto, the fulfillment of a historical mark on the production of renewable fuel was announced: BSBIOS reached 200 million liters biodiesel produced and commercialized. The announcement was done by the chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella. He stressed the importance of this accomplishment "this value shows the segment consolidation", he asserted.

Concerning to Passo Fundo, the chairman Rosseto took the opportunity to solidify the union established in Paraná, in the unit of Marialva. He stressed the managing quality of BSBIOS, "participating in an undertaking with the company in the state of Paraná is a strategic objective for PBio, as we receive this invitation and evaluate managerial and operational quality, our team considered BSBIOS as one of the best groups operators of biodiesel in Brazil, the unit of Passo Fundo is one of the best producers of biodiesel on all aspects of the country", asserted Rosseto.

The chairman of Pbio spoke about the strengthening that both companies will have with the union of renewable fuel producers. "It is obvious that building a society when investing and sharing an operational management with BSBIOS brings us much pleasure and confidence on the undertaking quality in Paraná and strengthens both industries even more", he concluded.

At the opportunity, the chairman of the Conselho Administrativo da BSBIOS, Antônio Roso, announced an important information from the municipal executive, through the mayor Airton Dipp, the vice-mayor René Cecconello and the municipal secretary of the Desenvolvimento Econômico, Marcos Cittolin. They informed that BSBIOS reached the first place in returning ICMS to the town ICMS. Roso said that, "this new gives much tranquility, because we are seeing that what we planted is providing results for the next town, besides generating employment, we are generating income for the population of Passo Fundo that can be distributed in a whole", emphasized Roso.