BSBIOS is honored by the Legislative Assembly of RS

It has been seven years since BSBIOS Indústria e Comércio de Biodiesel Sul Brasil installation in Passo Fundo. It was celebrated on April 15th. It was highlighted during the Grande Expediente on Tuesday (17), by representative Dr. Basegio (PDT), during a session where the State Representative Alceu Barbosa also attended. The session counted on the presence of vice-mayor Renne Cecconello, the production secretary of Porto Alegre Omar Ferri Jr., the general-coordinator of the South Office of the Oil National Agency, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) Edson Silva, with the representative of the Civil Office of the State Silvano Adroaldo Saragoso, the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella, and other authorities. Dr. Basegio focused that he believes that the industry brings development to the state, generating job and income and making Rio Grande do Sul into worldwide reference in the production of biodiesel, which is a clean and renewable energy. He focused how important the company is to the improvement of family agriculture and other rural producers. "Our recognition is because of our dedication and businessmen's attitude, and all gaúchos who invested in Passo Fundo and turned this company into an international focus. The company is among the 600 largest companies in the country and the 100 in the state," emphasized the representative.

The chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, gave thanks for the honor received. "We are proud of this honor offered by the Assembly, it is a result of our team work that makes our company serious and committed with the quality of our products," asserted the businessman.

During the session, several representatives gave a speech on the industry. The State Representative Márcio Biolchi (PMDB) stated that the company opened up to new perspectives, "we see that the initiative of this company changed the reality of this region, encouraging others to enter this segment of grains income aggregation," he asserted. State representative Altemir Tortelli (PT) said that the work achieved with the family agriculture, "biodiesel brought more opportunity for our small producers." To State representative Luciano Azevedo (PPS), BSBIOS represents a turning point in the economic profile of Passo Fundo. "The town may be visualized in cycles; BSBIOS is the symbol of industrialization resume. The company represents change and it is because of it that we are not recognized as an economy based on services and commerce only," he asserted. This same opinion is shared by the State representative Heitor Schuch (PSB), "the company is the renovation of the industry, irradiating technology for the state and creating opportunities for the population," he spoke.

Yesterday (16), Dr. Basegio still said that the Mayor of Passo Fundo, Airton Dipp, declared that the town will have buses that will use 100% of biodiesel provided by BSBIOS. And, that Mayor of Porto Alegre, José Fortunatti, also asked for studies in order to implant the project in the capital.

At the end of the Grande Expediente, Dr. Basegio congratulated BSBIOS, delivering a commemorative plate at the occasion to the chief executive officer of the industry.