BSBIOS is the focus in Revista Nacional de Biodiesel

National magazine of Biodiesel, which has national circulation, in its more recent edition, highlighted the increase of BSBIOS. Following is the report:

BSBIOS: Leadership potential that comes from Rio Grande do Sul

plant installed in Passo Fundo has challenged project of growth that includes grain crushing and connecting pipelines with fuel distributors.

When the material printed which BSBios provides to the media is evaluated, the Vision of the Company draws attention, to wit: "To be the largest producer and distributor of renewable energy of Latin America". And you readers, believe: if not the largest one, it is in a selected group of biodiesel producers with leadership potential in this market.

Founded in 2005, the company started to run officially, in April 2007. Before that, the project counted on the launch of its cornerstone, with the participation of President Lula and other personalities. Today, the plant already works regularly and it is prepared to reach 110 million liters of biodiesel per year.

But its total capacity has not been reached yet. "We are meeting all orders, but we still have idleness as for machines since the production scale has not reached its maximum levels", explains Erasmo Battistella, director of the company. Even because raw material has not been in the levels of price it should be, what makes the company to run carefully.

Maybe this is one of the reasons that lead BSBios to have an ambitious program of expansion. The unit of vegetable oil seeds is about to come, and this means something. Besides, pipelines can, in the future, link the company to fuel distributors.

"We are located in a strategic place, next to large stocks of fuel, what can make the feasibility of pipelines easier", explains Batistella. Since its foundation, the company was so well that gain new partners already. Initially, it belonged to Antonio Roso only, a gaúcho businessman who holds, among other partners, Metasa, company that manufactures large scale metallic structures. Now, it also participates in Paludo Participações, holding of the group Borrachas Vipal. And Roso does not hide his plans: "We are going to double the production in 2008", asserts in interviews. A growth that is an example, constructed from a serious project of clean energy production.