BSBIOS is the symbol of success as for biodiesel program

The announcement was made by the chairman of UBRABIO, Odacir Klein, during visit to the industrial plant of BSBIOS, in Passo Fundo, RS (04/03/09). He was received by the chairman of the company, Antonio Roso, the director of operations, Erasmo Battistella and the managing director Cristhine Roso. At the opportunity, Klein demonstrated to be impressed with the industry installations, one of the most modern in Brazil and with the production capacity of 130 million liters of biodiesel/year.

The chairman of UBRABIO has declared that the company has been strictly fulfilling contracts, achieving delivery of biodiesel within what is established in auctions. Besides, it has accomplished purchase from family agriculture and developed alternative crop implantation for the production of biodiesel, like canola and sunflower, not being structured on soybean only. "All of this leads us to say, undoubtedly, that BSBIOS is a symbol of our success as for biodiesel production program in Brazil" stated Klein. UBRABIO, according to its chairman, it will continue to work with the federal government, in order to meet the requirement of 4% addition biodiesel to mineral oil immediately, what has already been guaranteed to occur from next July.