BSBIOS participates in the event on Agroenergia

Seminar accomplished at the auditorium of Embrapa Trigo, in Passo Fundo, discussed agroenergia and rural development. During 10/21, expertises of the sector discussed the reality of the agroenergia sector and its perspectives. From the private sector BSBIOS was invited to present the experience of the private platform of biodiesel.

The chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, made a report on the installation of the industry in Passo Fundo and the reflexes to agribusiness and economy of the region. According to him, the company produces and commercializes biodiesel, with high quality pattern, developing alternative crops, like canola and sunflower, improving agribusiness and the family agriculture, always engaged with the environmental development.

Within two years activities, the company has consolidated among the largest plants of biodiesel in the country. Besides its own unit, BSBIOS acquired Agrenco unit as well, in Marialva, in Paraná, and must create 120 direct employments and 3 thousand indirect more. The activities will begin in 2010 when the production of 120 million liters of fuel from soybean, canola and sunflower is expected.

BSBIOS also began the construction of its crushing soybean, canola and sunflower grain unit. All oil produced in the unit will be used by the plant in the production of biodiesel. Erasmo Battistella explains that the investment will provide more agility to the process of biodiesel production, allowing the producers to deliver grains directly in the unit of processing.