

BSBIOS presents benefits of biodiesel production at EXPODIRETO

The stand of the industry will count on thematic spaces and areas for children

For the sixth consecutive time, BSBIOS, biodiesel industry which headquarter is in Passo Fundo/RS, will be present at EXPODIRETO. This year, the company will bring a wider proposal in its stand. It will approach the productive chain of biodiesel and all influences and benefits the sector provides. The company will also be present at the Family Agro-industry Pavilion and Craft and at the Rural Family Space, in partnership with Emater/RS.

In its stand the audience, through sensorial and visual experiences, may know the improvements provided by renewable energy to the environment, that is, life quality, social inclusion, agriculture and economic growth. The CEO of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, emphasizes the importance of showing the potential of biodiesel. "We need to say to society how useful and necessary is the utilization of clean energy. We must worry in the present with the environmental issues. Today, according to a study accomplished by the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), with B5 (that is the addition of biodiesel to fossil diesel oil) we emit 57% less pollutant gases, thus we prevent breath diseases and hospitalizations from happening and save lives," stated Battistella.

The businessman, who also leads the Association of Biodiesel Producers of Brazil (APROBIO), highlights the need for the creation of a regulatory mark of the sector to increase these benefits. "Today, the country has capacity and feasibility of raw material to gradually advance 1.5% per year. We want to reach with B14 in 2014 and with B20 in 2020," he said.

The vegetable oil crop chain production and the biofuel manufacturing process will also worked at the stand. "The plants of biodiesel are a real green "pre-salt", where each industry is like a platform of canola production surrounded by a sea of soybean and other rural crops, at a much lower cost than in the layer of fossil pre-salt and with incomparable sustainable gains," he asserted.

BSBIOS is an encouraging company for Canola production. The technical department of BSBIOS will be at the fair to demonstrate the Program of Canola improvement, clear people's doubt on the crop and present the policy of commercialization for 2012. The coordinator of the Improvement Sector of Passo Fundo unit, agronomist Fábio Júnior Benin, highlights that the vegetable oil crop is a feasible alternative to producers to the winter period, time when good part of the areas planted are idle. "We verify that in Rio Grande do Sul, from the 5 million of hectares directed to rural production, only 1.5 million is occupied with wheat and other crops, it remains a significant area to the increase of canola production," he said.

In 2011, BSBIOS improved approximately 25 thousand ha of canola in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná. "Our objective is to grow year by year as for area planted with quality. Currently, we act in more than 100 towns in three states in the south of the country," stated Benin. The company provides technical support and guarantee of commercialization, besides the support provided by their business partners.

BSBIOS, through the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB) owns the Social Fuel Stamp, identification provided by the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MAD) to industries of renewable energy that acquire at minimum 30% of its raw material from family agriculture. "The company guarantees the inclusion of approximately 10 thousand small producers, offering to them benefits and bonuses in the commercialization of its grains", emphasized Benin. In the last five years, the sector moved the participation of 103 thousand families of small farmers like suppliers of raw material.

Agronomist Benin still highlights that who is interested in growing canola may visit the stand of the company at EXPODIRETO to establish partnerships. "This is an important moment, thus from this action, we guarantee purchase and price to producer that will grow canola through production contract," he asserted. Terms with financing institutions such as Sicredi, Banrisul and Banco do Brasil will also be signed during the fair for the encouragement of canola production, as well as renew the contract of technical cooperation with Emater/RS to guarantee the area increase.

This year, one of the news in the stand is the direction of a space for children and teenagers. In a playful manner, they will also learn about the benefits of biodiesel. "The Bio game will be a tool to aggregate knowledge; they will play in the local and/or take it home. What we intend is to make new generations aware on how important renewable energy is," emphasized the CEO.