BSBIOS provides computers and automobiles to the IAP

Yesterday (24/03/2010), BSBIOS Marialva provided two cars Gol zero kilometers and two new computers to the Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (IAP), in fulfillment of a compensatory measure established when the reception of the environmental operation license to the installation of the industrial plant Marialva, in Paraná. The activity had the presence of the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the mayor of Marialva, Edgar Silvestre, the vice-mayor, Evandro José da Cruz Araújo, the Regional Chief of the IAP, Paulino Heitor Mexia and other IAP employees, the Management Director of Marialva Unit, Sérgio de Faria Hildebrandt, the technical team of the IAP and BSBIOS.

The Regional Chief of the IAP, Paulino Heitor Mexia, asserted to be glad for having followed all installation of the biodiesel industry. "BSBIOS Marialva is a modern company, environmentally correct and with IAP partnership in all issues", he emphasized.

The Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, was satisfied with the action "I am very happy about achieving the commitment assumed with the IAP and the state of Paraná, this is another stage accomplished towards the end of the work and beginning of biodiesel production", he concluded.

The industrial plant that is a partnership between BSBIOS and Petrobras Biofuels is in the construction final stage and it will have a producing capacity of 120 million liters biodiesel per year. With the commencement of the plant activities, 120 direct employments in the undertaking will be created, besides the opportunity of income generation to familiar farmers and cooperatives of the region in the supplying of vegetable oil crops for the production of biodiesel.