

BSBIOS receives diploma Amigo da Criança e do Adolescente

There was a formal ceremony at the City Council of Passo Fundo on Wednesday night (24) to award legal and physical entities, who contributed to the Fundo Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (FUMDICA) in 2009, with the title "Amigo da Criança e do Adolescente". BSBIOS was awarded with the diploma. At the time, the campaign "Transforme seu leão em um leãozinho - edition 2010" which objective is to direct part of the Income Tax owed to the Fund was also launched. The values are directed to actions and projects developed by 24 entities that assist children and teenagers of Passo Fundo. In 2009, around R$ 400 thousand was raised.

Physical entities can direct up to 6% of their Income Tax owed, and legal entities can direct up to 1% of the real profit. The deposits into the account of FUMDICA must be achieved until 30 of December.