BSBIOS receives prize “Consolidated Enterprise of the Year”

Foccus Consultoria de Marketing - Divisão de Pesquisa - accomplished a research of opinion, between 12 of September and 13 of October 2008, in Passo Fundo, in order to subsidize information to compose the cast to prize Destaque Empresarial 2008, that the Journal O Nacional has been achieving since 2002. BSBIOS was chosen as: "Consolidated Enterprise of the Year".

Considering the objectives of the study, the sample was formed by 22 class representatives and 17 executives from several economy sectors in the town of Passo Fundo. All people who were interviewed are considered as "opinion makers", they have the characteristic of being leaders of a group of the population, and "executives" were professionals with managing or directing positions in the main companies in the town. Thus, the universe researched has guaranteed that the "value" desired to the survey of the Destaques Empresariais 2008 was studied.

The objective of the research was to explore the following economy sectors: retail, education, industry, civil construction / real state agencies and services, which were selected before the criterion of competitiveness, development of inputs, labor work and local economy movement during the year of 2008.

It is worth remembering that the research is not type "Top of Mind", but the choice of the company or service (a) companies that better represent, through their fulfillment, the economy sector researched. The people who were interviewed were directed so that the choice of the Destaques Empresariais was made before 4 criteria: social responsibility of the company or Service Company; economic investment of the company or Service Company; technical qualification and labor work of the company or Service Company; credibility and image of the company or service company.

Prize "Empreendimento Consolidado do Ano" was given to BSBIOS on 12/11, during dinner party at Clube Comercial.