BSBIOS receives the prize Destaque Preservação Ambiental

BSBIOS was condecorated with the certificate Destaque de Preservação Ambiental 2010, receiving the Green Stamp for demonstrating socioenvironmental responsibility from the Jornal do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo. The prize was provided for the excellent work in the area of environmental preservation and education recognized through a research accomplished in May 2010 with IBAMA, Ministry of Environment and with the Secretarias Estaduais e de Meio Ambiente of the South, Southwest, North, Northeast and Mid-west regions. The research evaluated Industries and Service providers that have as criteria the fulfillment of environmental norms and laws in force in Brazil. BSBIOS is a company that is concerned about socio-environmental causes, developing the family agriculture and also other rural producers, moving the economy in the entire region. The industry holds the Social Fuel Stamp, guaranteed by the Federal Government through the Ministry of Agrarian Development - MAD, to producers of biofuel that promote social inclusion and the regional development by means of the employment and income generation to family farmers fit in the criteria of the Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar - Pronaf.

For the chief executive officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the certificate is the evidence of the work the company has been doing. "BSBIOS was created with the concern about preserving the nature and providing an alternative to collaborate with the environment, since biodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable and ecologically correct product. We are proud to contribute to this environmental preservation and the society development", he asserted.