BSBIOS supports Project Transformation

More than 40 children are given assistance by means of workshops during inverse school shift

BSBIOS is an industry that is seriously committed to socio-environmental issues. Following this premise, the company supports projects that enhance the environment and benefit society. From this principle, it is engaged in the Project TransformAtion, "which motto is to take care of life, nature and people".

The objective of the project, that has been developed in Passo Fundo (RS) since 2007, is to provide a process of formation, awareness and participation by the society in the environmental and social issue, by forming groups and spaces of collection and recycling of materials, aiming at the environment protection and work and income generation to the unemployed who live in the outskirts of the town.

One of the concerns the project has is also to involve the family, which is why another action, named Transformation in Art, is developed in parallel. The objective of the activity is to take care of nearly forty children and teenagers, who are paper collectors' children that collect and recycle garbage in the pavilion of Vila Popular. Workshops of capoeira, dance, reading, percussion, sewing classes, citizenship and personal development are offered to these children.

During a presentation of the works, which happened last Saturday (03), at Casa Santa Cruz, the children could show their abilities and knowledge learned in the workshops and they demonstrated a true class of citizenship and solidarity. The coordinator of Project TransformAtion in Art, Sister Inês Sartori, emphasized the importance of garbage in everyone's life. "To these people, garbage has several meanings, it turns to bread, housing, life, happiness, union, toy, love, job and livelihood," he asserted.

To the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, it is important to support projects like this one. "Initiatives like that bring socioenvironmental improvement. BSBIOS is proud of encouraging Project TransformAtion and seeing the result through each child's happy face," said Battistella.

Project TransformAtion is a promotion of Cáritas Diocesana, Congregation of Nossa Senhora Notre Dame, Institute Sagrada Família (ISAFA), Educative and Caritativa Association (ASSEC), Congregation Missionária Redentorista and Mitra Diocesana.