Canola consolidates in the region

Grown area reaches 15 thousand hectares in the South of the country

Year after year, crop after crop, canola crop has been the focus in growth area, new technologies and positive results to the producers of the region. When technically and economically evaluating the crop, the producers of the region have identified a differentiated potential in it, because of the market liquidity, because it fits in the production systems of the region as an alternative of crop rotation and it has a research dynamics, development, technical support and innovation differentiated by the involvement with several entities linked to agribusiness of the region. Research, extension, financial bodies, class entities and industry work together in cooperation, searching for the best results for canola crop. In a developed total area of 15.000 ha, distributed by the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná, BSBIOS achieves its work of development by encouraging the crop, in such a manner that the increase in its growth area is yearly identified. Allied to that, producers who have been working with BSBIOS, inserting canola in their grown areas have acquired practical knowledge and visualizing that the cultural handling of it is completely consistent with the equipment which exists in the properties.

At last, with the technical support directly provided by BSBIOS or in partnership with the Development Sector of the company with the business partnerships' professionals, as well as with the guarantee of purchase before contracts with pre-defined prices, the producer has safety and tranquility when opting for this crop.

For the coordinator of the Development Sector of BSBIOS Agronomist Fábio Junior Benin who follows all structure and development of the Development Program for canola crop implemented in the region, "it is increasingly important to identify the agricultural benefits and profitability that winter crops bring to the regional productive system, and canola crop has demonstrated great indicators, either in small or large areas in our region," he emphasized.

With the increase of the national demand for vegetable oils for the production of biodiesel, a market that today is provided by vegetable oil of soybean crop, the focus has been on identifying the options of growth that can aggregate the cultures usually grown in the region. In this moment, soybean crop is unquestionably the top in the region, occupying the largest growth area. "Great part of the area grown with soybean in the summer remains in fallow land in the winter, without any growth. In these areas, canola fits perfectly, complementing the offer of vegetable oil crops and automatically vegetable oil for the consuming markets, in this case, specifically, the biodiesel production market" asserts Benin. Besides, the crop does not dispute with areas already occupied with wheat crop, and contributes with the increase of the great quality vegetable meal offer resulting from the process of canola vegetable oil extraction.