Go BackCollaborators of BSBIOS participate in activities on Environmental awareness
To celebrate the World Environment Day, on Wednesday (06/05), BSBIOS - Passo Fundo/RS unit, in partnership with SESI and Senai, promoted an activity with lecture and dynamics on solid waste, liquid effluents and atmospheric emissions to its collaborators. The objective of this activity is to make them conscious about how important it is each one’s action at work and at home so that they can contribute in such a sustainable way to nature.
The lecture was presented by the specialist in Environmental Management, Gabriela Malgarim de Lima, who alerted on the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling waste. “It is important that everybody contributes by doing his or her part, small actions in our daily life create great positive actions in favor of the environment, economy and society,” emphasized Gabriela.
Since 2011, BSBIOS has extended the selective collection of solid waste to the Administrative areas, in addition to what it had already been practiced in productive areas, this way consolidating the Management Program of Solid Waste of BSBIOS, which aims at not only the correct selection, but packaging, transportation and destination. “We aim at adopting practices that contribute to environmental issues, from small actions like packages reuse for craftwork, to larger actions like being a partner in waste compositing”, said the Security, Environment, Health and Quality Manager– SMS+Q, Larisse Garibotti. At the end of the meeting, the collaborators received some mugs as gifts, to encourage them to reduce the use of plastic cups.
Educational activity
Following the educational actions on biodiesel and to celebrate the World Environment day, the company will carry out, next Tuesday (06/11), an encounter with the students of the 6º and 8º years of fundamental school of School Estadual Irmã Maria Margarida, in District Victor Isler, in Passo Fundo. The objectives are to present the benefits of biodiesel to society and the environment and provide a moment of reflection on sustainability. On the occasion, the students will visit the industrial unit of BSBIOS and will participate in a workshop of Isogravura, where they will discuss about subjects they worked over their visit.