DAP Biodiesel – Encounter discusses insertion of more cooperatives to the program

Fetag, unions and cooperatives ask the MDA to reduce from 90% 70% in aptitude index. Thus, they might fit in biodiesel politics. Next days, changes in current rules for aptitude declaration to Pronaf of cooperatives (Juridical DAP for biodiesel) will be announced. Arnoldo Campos, the national director of Biodiesel of the Ministry of Agrarian Development, states that.

The cooperatives' claim is that family farmers from a large quantity of cooperatives are allowed to participate, since the intention is to reduce from 90% to 70% the aptitude index. This way, a great part of cooperatives in the State will fit in biodiesel politics and then commercialize vegetable oil crops with the industries. The discussion on the change of rules occurred in the headquarter of the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais in Passo Fundo

According to the chairman of Fetag, Elton Weber, the direct change in the new rules is precisely the reduction of the social board index of family farmers in order to fit the social stamp. For the chairman of Fecoagro, Rui Polidor Pinto, reducing the percentage of partners in family agriculture from 90% to 70% will offer many cooperatives the opportunity to use the benefit of the social stamp through reduction of taxes.