

Entities gather together in order to ask for improvements to the productive chain of Biodiesel

Letter of claims will be delivered to the Federal Government

There was a meeting this Monday (29) with the productive chain of Biodiesel, in the Auditorium of FARSUL, in the Park of Exhibitions Assis Brasil, in Esteio (RS), during the 34th International Exhibition of Animals, Equipments, Implements and Rural Products (EXPOINTER), in the 1st Encontro Sul: Rethinking the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB) in Brazil. The objective of the event is to approach all productive chain for a wide debate on the future of the PNPB and forward a document to the Federal Government, which contains the strategical resolutions for the sector to grow and be competitive. The debate counted on representatives of all sectors, like agro-business, small producers, rural equipments and implements, industries, financing area, and also, on members of the political state and federal members.

The chairman of the Biodiesel Producers Association of Brazil (APROBIO), Erasmo Carlos Battistella, presented the results obtained today and the perspectives of growing with the increase of the addition of Biodiesel to Diesel. "The sector needs a new Regulatory Mark, we need to improve the advances of the PNPB, but we need to grow by considering several factors. The objective of the sector is to reach 10% addition at Cope 2014 and, in 2020 20% more, to correct tax distortions, to create public politic to exportation, to make the maintenance of social inclusion through family agriculture and improve logistics issues", said Battistella.

Therefore, there would be gain in agriculture, with greater generation of income, mainly with the involvement of the family agriculture, yet, in the environmental sector, with the reduction in the emission of pollutant gases, in health, in the employment generation, in the growing of investment for industries, among others positive reflexes.

According to the General Coordinator of Agroenergy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Supply (MAPA), Denilson Ferreira, it is the Government interest to support the increase of Program. "MAPA has encouraged the structuring of the productive chain, aiming at the diversification of crops to the production of Biodiesel and the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) is restructuring Normative Instruction 01 with respect to the Social Stamp", he emphasized.

The titular of the Secretry of Agriculture and Supply and Agro-business of Rio Grande do Sul (SEAPA), Luiz Fernando Mainardi, congratulated the initiative. "The effort that it has to be accomplished is to aggregate value in everything is produced in agriculture. We are encouraging this idea. With Biodiesell we will increase the producer income and the GDP of the State. We are preparing the re-installation of the Sector Thematic Chamber of Agroenergy to discuss about Ethanol and Biodiesel, we must rethink and strengthen the alternatives of crops to the production of Biodiesel," asserted Mainardi.

To the Chairman of the Brazilian Association of Producers and Exporters of Chickens (ABEF) and mediator of the encounter, Francisco Sérgio Turra, this is the new agro-business, "we can no longer separate the field from the city, they are complementary." The vice-president of the Workers Federation in Agriculture of Rio Grande do Sul (FETAG), Carlos Joel da Silva, emphasized the importance of the PNPB to the family agriculture. "FETAG treats the theme Biodiesel with care, thus it was the first Program of the Government that was able to commence with a legislation which included percentages of 30% to family agriculture. This makes the difference, it is the inclusion of the small producer that has the market guarantee, otherwise, he or she would not possibly produce or sell his or her product," he concluded.

In the end of the encounter, the resolutions which will make part of the Letter of Expointer and will be delivered this week to the Federal Government and be signed by all entities promoters of the event were defined. "The main claim is about the generation of a Regulatory Mark of Biodiesel that includes the following points: the increase of the percentage of Biodiesel and, consequently, the growing of the internal market, reduction in the tax charges, export incentive and increase of the diversification of crops," asserted Battistella.

The activity is a promotion of the Biodiesel Producers Association of Brazil (APROBIO), Federation of Agriculture of Rio Grande do Sul State (FARSUL), Secretry of Agriculture, Livestock and Agro-business of Rio Grande do Sul (SEAPA), Workers Federation in Agriculture of Rio Grande do Sul (FETAG), Federation of Rural Cooperatives of Rio Grande do Sul (FECOAGRO), Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul (FIERGS) and the Brazilian Association of Canola Producers (AbrasCanola).


Parliamentary Front is created to the Defense of Biodiesel

During the event it was announced that the Federal Deputy Jerônimo Goergen will lead the Parliamentary Front to the Defense of Biodiesel in the National Congress. "As a member of the Committee of Finances and Taxes (CFT), we will be committed towards the zeroing of aliquots of IPI (a federal excise tax on the manufacturing of goods) to strengthen the production of Biodiesel," said Goergen. The parliamentary will intensify the processing at the CFT of the project of Law nº 3.600/2004, which proposes to take to zero the aliquots of the Tax on Manufacturing Products for vegetable oils for the addition in diesel.


Credit Photo: Luiz Ávila


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