Expectation exceeded: more than 350 people participated in the Training and Dissemination Course of

More than 350 people were present at the V Course of Training and Dissemination of Technology in Canola, that has happened today (03/01), in the auditorium of Embrapa Trigo, in Passo Fundo/RS. The local was crowded and exceeded the expectations, the audience included researchers, agronomists, rural technicians, representatives of the Federal Government, students, producers, among others who come from several states of the country, like Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul.

The opening counted on the speech of the president of the Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Canola (ABrasCanola) and the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella, who presented the purpose of the entity to the audience, and at the same time, it was delivered to the representatives of the Federal Government, João Abreu da Silva Neto of the Ministry of Agriculture and Supply (MAS) and Marco Antônio Viana Leite of the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MAD), a document in which the importance and the role of ABrasCanola to the development of the crop was pointed to authorities. "We will work together in order to formulate public politics that are specific for Canola and the objective is to encourage the improvement of the crop in all states", asserted Battistella.

The representative of MAS, João Abreu da Silva Neto, emphasized the project accomplished by BSBIOS in favor of Canola. "In our presentations we use as a study case, the work on vegetable oil developed by the company of biofuel of Passo fundo. And, with the creation of ABrasCanola, this communication will happen in a more effective manner, the entity will act as an interlocutor of actions to pass information to those who are interested in the crop", he emphasized.

To Marco Antônio Viana Leite of the MAD, efforts towards the development of Canola are important, "Without technological support any crop will grow, and this support is accomplished here with the work developed by Embrapa Trigo and by BSBIOS. It is necessary that there is a tripod formed by market, technology and credit for maintenance of the crop", he emphasized.

The event counted on the evaluation of the results of harvest 2010, system of support to production and market of canola, climatic perspectives, handling and factors to the success of growth, equipments, windrowing, control of weed, cost of production and operational aspects of credit and insurance to production. In the end of the activity, it was made an invitation so that everybody participates in the 3rd National Opening of Canola Crop which will happen in September and in the next edition of the course next year.

The course is a promotion of ABrasCanola and DRS Biofuels (BSBIOS, Banco do Brasil, Associação dos Engenheiros Agrônomos de Passo Fundo, Emater, Embrapa Trigo, Ministry of Agriculture and Supply-MAS, Secretaria do Interior-SECRINT, Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Agrário-CMDA f the City Hall of Passo Fundo; Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais de Passo Fundo, Sindicato Rural de Passo Fundo, Agronomy and Veterinary College of the University of Passo Fundo.