VoltarIncrease of the demand for biodiesel makes soybean of RS to remain in the State
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Increase in the demand for biodiesel makes soybean gaúcha to remain in the state. In many cases, the value paid in the internal market is more advantageous to the farmer. The increase of grains crushing brings out perspectives to the other product: the bran.
Transform soybean into biofuel, business which is booming in Brazil. At BSBIOS, an industry which was installed in Passo Fundo, in the North of Rio Grande do Sul, six years ago, the yearly production is 160 million liters of biodiesel. Three months ago, the grain crusher, which receives soybean in nature and transforms it into oil and bran, started to run. 2.5 tons of grains are received per day.
The company is the sixth largest producer of biodiesel in the country already, responsible for 8% of the national production. And, all raw material used comes from crops of the region in the North of the state.
Luiz Carlos produces 400 hectares of soybean. From the total, 30% of the harvest is commercialized to the local company.
- We do not rely on the international market. It is another business option - asserts the rural producer.
From all biodiesel produced in Rio Grande do Sul, 85% is based on soybean.
- We need to guarantee contracts with producers, cooperatives in order to have raw-material - says Erasmo Battistella, the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS.
Besides, so that the fuel has the social stamp, at least 30% of raw-material must be acquired through family agriculture and this places gaúchos producers in advantage in the internal market. According to the market analyst Cleber Bordignon, biofuel has brought a new reality for farmers.
- Biofuel has enriched the product, the price is greater even when compared to exportation - he asserts.
So that the production continues to grow, the businessmen's goal is to find alternatives for bran business, which is resulting from the process of crushing.
- From grain, 78% turns into bran. We need to direct this, maybe for breeding - asserts Erasmo Battistella.
Yet, if the market has been booming, producers of soybean in Rio Grande do Sul will be thankful.
Source: Rural Chanel - Mateus Rodighero