It has been six years BSBIOS was founded

On April 15th, it will be BSBIOS anniversary. Since its foundation, in 2005, the company has been concerned about producing products which do not damage the environment, by focusing the industrialization of Biodiesel and the productive chain to the production of this renewable energy. In six years, its industrial plant has already consolidated the second stage of the Project proposed, and besides producing Biodiesel the extraction of vegetable oil is also accomplished. Currently, the industry has capacity for 160 million liters of Biodiesel/year, storage of 120 thousand tons of grains and 66 thousand tons of bran.

To the Chairman of the Management Council Antônio Roso there was a planned increase which happened in such a consistently manner. "The first years were difficult for the industry because of market instability, but along time the idea of becoming reference in the sector was consolidated," Roso stated.

The industry also expanded in Parana, acquiring a plant of Biodiesel production in Marialva. This plant was the only plant in the country chosen by Petrobras Biofuel (PBio) for a partnership in the area of biofuels. The CEO Erasmo Carlos Battistella emphasized this important step, "We feel proud of this union, for us it was the recognition of our commitment, which means that we are in the right path," he asserted. Another point of relevance is that BSBIOS participates in project Linha Verde, in Curitiba, Paraná, as a supplier of pure Biodiesel (B100) only. "The efficacy of the Biofuel is proved, the buses which run this line use 100% of biodiesel, pollute less and bring benefits to people's health in Curitiba. The Project has increasingly expanded before these results, Battistella claimed. Besides being a young company the industry is responsible for collecting the greatest ICMS (Tax on Operations related to Inter-state and Inter-municipal transportation of Goods and Services and Communication). Currently, nearly 230 collaborators are directly hired and several indirectly. The Financing Managing Director Cristhine Fuga Roso Daniel asserts that the investment in personnel training was important for the final product quality. "Since the sector was new in town we need to focus on the development of collaborators, what has been constantly done. We believe that doing so we keep our collaborators committed, updated and motivated in their functions," Cristhine stated.

Another strong bond of BSBIOS is with agriculture, the industry is strategically installed in one region of great potential, since Biodiesel is produced from the extraction of vegetable oils like soybean. The grain crushing machine has capacity to consume 2500 tons of soybean daily. Battistella highlights that "approximately 10 thousand families are suppliers of raw material to BSBIOS, where 30% are resulting from family agriculture." Canola is a crop that was chosen by the Passo-fundense industry in order to invest in diversification that is an important requirement to the development of the Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel (PNPB), thus it is an excellent vegetable oil crop for the production of biofuels. "Canola has grown in the region, it is a great option for crop rotation, it occupies areas which would be idle in the winter and it has guarantee of commercialization. These factors make us believe that it is a crop which is about to expand in area," Battistella emphasized.

BSBIOS intends to continue its expansion in Passo Fundo and in the national market of Biodiesel, "one of its objectives is approaching suppliers of raw material, producers, cooperatives or cereal farmers. Yet, we aim to increase business in the sector of renewable energies," Battistella concluded.