Opening of Canola Crop was postponed to October

Event will show technologies of handling for the crop

The Organizing Committee of the third edition of the National Opening of Canola Crop met last Friday (26), in Colorado (RS) and decided to postpone the event which would happen on September 22nd. The date chosen was October 4th, taking into consideration that weather conditions delayed the development of the crop.

According to the Managing Vice-President of the Brazilian Association of Canola Producers (ABrasCanola) and the Coordinator of the Development Department of BSBIOS, Eng. Agr. Fábio Júnior Benin, the alteration is because of the weather characteristics recorded at this harvest. "During this winter there were many rainy and foggy days, with low luminosity that delayed the development of Canola. Then, this harvest, the growth will need some days more to be ready for the harvest", he stated.

The National Opening of Canola Crop is held concomitantly with the field day of the crop. The objective of the activities is to broadcast new technologies with respect to canola growth, with theoretical activities, as well as their handling and cut windrowing and the collection with the dynamics of equipments used for these handlings. Yet, it is intended to make producers, leaderships and authorities aware with respect to the importance of the process of rural diversification as an alternative of job and income generation in the property in the winter period.

Through visiting stations, a technological approach on the crop will be done, treating from sowing, fertilization, handlings, new harvesting technologies and commercialization, as well as characteristics of physiology, development and technical assistance. Also, there will be cut dynamics and windrowing and collection.

The events are a promotion of ABrasCanola, BSBIOS, Cotrijal, Embrapa-Trigo, Emater/RS, PRODUFORT, Rural Workers Union of Colorado and Rural Union of Colorado. And, it counts on the support of the Municipal City Hall of Colorado, Representative Chamber of Colorado, University of Passo Fundo (UPF), Banrisul, Banco do Brasil, Sicredi and Business Association of Colorado (ACICOL).