Parliamentary Front of Biodiesel will be launched today

The launch of the Parliamentary Front in defense of Biodiesel will be launched on Wednesday (19), in Brasília (DF), and it will be preside by The Federal Deputy Jerônimo Goergen (PP-RS). The Front was idealized by the Association of Biodiesel Producers of Brazil (APROBIO) during the 1st Encounter South: rethinking the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB), which happened during EXPOINTER, in Esteio (RS).

To the Chairman of APROBIO and Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, this initiative is an important step so that we can defend and make our interests of the Sector feasible. "Because of the Front an even greater space for the Sector of Biodiesel will open in the National Congress, which is important to the improvement of this market," he asserted. The Front counts on the adhesion of more than 260 federal deputies and senators that signed the term of support to the creation of a new bench. "The intention is that we can integrate all projects on biofuels that have passed through the House, Biodiesel mainly, this way, those which are really in line with the producers and country's interests may be better evaluated and defended," emphasized Battistella.

The Front will have to solve, among other objectives, the obstacle of the high tax that prevents competitiveness and exportations from happening. Advances, to face these obstacles and bring incentives to productivity have been searched through the implementation of a new Regulatory Mark for the productive chain. "Until the end of the year we want to build the proposal of a new Regulatory Mark in order to discuss about it with the government in the first months of 2012 already", states Federal Deputy Jerônimo Goergen. (PP).

Yet, in accordance with the parliamentary, because of the Regulatory Mark, the productive chain will have real gains including investment in exportation. He also says to be convicted that the issue will be led in Brasília with the work of the Front. One of his promises is to intensify the processing at the CFT of Law project nº 3.600/2004, which proposes to take to zero the rates of the Federal Excise Tax on the Manufacturing of Goods (IPI) for vegetable oils for the addition of diesel. The launch of the Parliamentary Front of Biodiesel will happen on this Wednesday (10/19), at 7:00pm, at Restaurant Oliver, at the Club of Golf, in Brasília (DF). RSVP and information by telephone 61 3215-5316.