

Planting of Canola reaches 70% in the region

Areas must be concluded until the end of the month


The sowing of Canola is in advanced stage. It started from mid-April in the North, Northeast and Northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul. According to the Development Department of BSBIOS, nearly 70% of the crops have been already planted. The are developed by the company of biodiesel in Passo Fundo must reach nearly 15 thousand hectares in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, as for Paraná more than 10 thousand hectares have been sown.

Despite the agroclimatic Zoning of the crop indicates feasible planting until June 30th, the coordinator of the Development Department of BSBIOS, Fábio Junior Benin, believes that Canola sowing shall be concluded until the end of May. "Planting is going well, the majority of the areas are already sown," Benin stated. The producer of Pessegueiro, in Ernestina/RS, Beno Afonso Lutkemeyer, took the advantage of the dry weather last week to finish planting in 120 hectares in his property. "Canola is a good alternative. In the first year I tried an area of 30 hectares and approved the crop. It brings good return because it has guaranteed commercialization and it is great for crop rotation. This year I will work in a four times larger area", Lutkemeyer asserted.

To Benin, the expectation for the harvest is good, "forecast indicates cold and dry weather, which is ideal for the production of this crop. Once we expect to increase the level of fertility in sowing, we believe that there will be an increase in productivity", he emphasized. Yield this year must reach from 1500 to 1800 kg/ha, that is, from 25 to 30 sacks/ha.

The Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (CONAB) indicates that in Brazil the area grown with Canola last year, harvest 2010/11, was 46.3 thousand hectares, which was 49.4% superior to harvest 2009 that planted 31 thousand hectares. Among the states which grow Canola, Rio Grande do Sul is the greatest producer, with 64.99% from the total produced in the country.