Success marks the opening of Canola Crop

The sunny Monday afternoon (09/27) attracted more than 500 people of the region to attend the "National Opening of Canola Crop 2010" and the "Canola Field Day" in Colorado. The activity marks the beginning of the harvest that shall extend to the first fortnight of November. Farmers, technicians, agronomists, researchers and students had the opportunity to know the development of the crop, from plantation, cut and windrowing to commercialization advantages. In four technical stands represented by BSBIOS, Emater, Cotrijal and Embrapa-Trigo, the participants could clear their doubts and improve knowledge. At the opening ceremony, the chief executive officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella emphasized the path of canola from the beginning of its improvement by the biodiesel industry to its partnerships. "It is a job that has been successful, I remember the beginning, when we joined to search for partnerships with several entities, banks and producers of equipments and technologies, and today they are all making their part for the crop consolidation. Yet, canola is successful because of the Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel (PNPB) that encourages alternative sources of raw-material for biodiesel production, in our case, canola," he stated.

The chairman of Cotrijal Nei César Mânica highlights the importance of canola and biodiesel for the development of Colorado and region. "By having a dashing thinking from Battistella, BSBIOS increased and it is recognized in the national market of renewable energy production, and for the second year is involving producers, professionals, technicians, researchers, among others surrounded by culture that aggregates income to the productive chain. We wish that canola increases even more, maybe reaching 25.30 thousand hectares next year, creating raw material enough for the production of biodiesel, since initial difficulties have been overcome by all people involved", he asserted.

The representative of the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - MAPA João da Silva Abreu Neto emphasized the support of the body for the development of alternative crops. "We have attempted to grow canola in the region since everybody's commitment makes the crop to increase and create employment and income. I am excited to know that. The government will certainly be a great partner to develop "winter soybean" that is the way canola is known in the region", he emphasized. This idea is supported by the municipal office. Mayor Lírio Riva highlighted that today is a day to celebrate for Colorado, "in the beginning nobody seemed to believe in that, but now we have another alternative for rural production, canola is the reason of pride for everybody".

At the end of the solemnity a dynamics with windrowing and cut platform was accomplished. BSBIOS improved the crop in more than 60 towns of the North, Northeast and Northwest regions in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná, totalizing 15.000 ha area grown. According to the coordinator of the Development Sector of BSBIOS Fábio Júnior Benin, canola areas have been developing well. "The productivity expectation is over the one recorded in crop 2009 sowing has been made in advance when compared with last crop, where the weather over the crop development was more favorable for the establishment of areas with greater productive potential. This last rain period, recorded in the last final stage of development, will allow the crop to finish its cycle without periods under water stress", he stated.

The opening of the National Canola Crop is a fulfillment of BSBIOS, Produfort, Cotrijal, Embrapa-Trigo, Sindicato Rural de Colorado and Emater, with the support of Banco do Brasil, Grupo DRS Biocombustíveis, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais de Colorado, ACICOL, UPF, Prefeitura de Colorado and Banrisul and sponsored by John Deere concessionária Castelmaq, Sicredi and Kuhn.