The Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS lectures at SIMPAS

The country is ready to advance towards the regulatory mark of biodiesel

On this Wednesday afternoon (13), the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, lectured on "Demands for the production of biofuels" in the 59th Integrated Systems of Handling in the Sustainable Rural Production that happens in partnership with the National Seminar to the Development of Sustainable Agrobusiness. The activities occur in the Center of Events of UPF.

During the lecture, Battistella emphasized that the country has industrial and rural conditions to increase immediately the current regulatory mark which is in 5% of biodiesel addition in diesel oil to 10%. He still defended the diversification of raw materials for the production of biofuel. "Nowadays, 80% of the biodiesel produced is achieved from soybean; we want that other crops increase their parcel as well. Here in the state, we develop canola as an alternative source, bringing in several benefits to producers," he said. Nowadays, the area developed by the company reaches around 30 thousand hectares; the expectation is that in 2020 it reaches 200 thousand ha.

The Chief Executive Officer emphasized that the production of biodiesel also contributes towards the income generation of family farmers. "In 2010, the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB) made nearly 100 thousand small farmers to have their grains acquired by industries of biofuels. If the expectation of increasing to 10% the addition of biodiesel in diesel oil in 2014 is confirmed, and in 2020 to 20%, the participation of rural family shall increase to 153 thousand and 530 thousand, respectively," he asserted. Last year, around thousand rural farmers who are producers of soybean and canola, in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, provide raw material for the production of biodiesel in the unit of Passo Fundo.

He still mentioned other benefits that biodiesel brought in the five first years of PNPB, through data proved by study accomplished by Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). "The inclusion of biofuel in the energetic matrix generated 1.3 million jobs, increase of 4 billion investment in the industry, reduction in the emission of pollutants, generating a reduction of 13 thousand hospitalizations and 2 thousand deaths. These numbers will multiply with the B10 and the B20," de emphasized.

The promotion of the event is provided by the Brazilian Association of Agrobusiness (Abag), Brazilian Association of Seeds and seedlings (Abrasem), National Association for Difusion of Fertilizers (Anda), National Association of Vegetable Defense (Andef), Agronomists Association of Passo Fundo, BSBIOS, Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA), Cotrijal, Emater/RS, Embrapa Trigo, International Plant Nutrition Institute (INPI), Sicredi, Rural Workers Union of Passo Fundo, Rural Union of Passo Fundo and Passo Fundo University. The event is an accomplishment of PD Fairs and Events and a sponsorship of BSBIOS, Cotrijal and Sicredi.