

The importance of biodiesel was the theme of radio program

Program "A Voz do Campo" was presented at BSBIOS

Last Saturday (04), radio program "A Voz do Campo", with the presentation of radio spokesman Marcelo Brum was achieved at BSBIOS, in Passo Fundo (RS). It gathered businessmen, producers and leaderships of agro-business and politics.

The theme of the program was "the importance of biodiesel for Brazilian agriculture and its impact on crops diversification." The subject was widely discussed among the guests that could speak on the subject and also respond to the audience questions.

"With the radio we reach and take information to a larger audience," highlighted the chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella. He still emphasized that theme biodiesel needs to be demystified in the society and this is the radio's role. "Biodiesel is related to agriculture, because it is a renewable energy which comes from vegetable oil crops like soybean and canola, and brings several benefits to the environment, society and economy. And, spaces like this are good to explain this great chain," spoke the businessman. The travelling program is shown live, every Saturday from 8:00am to 10:00pm, to six radio stations of the state, to wit: Radio Verdes Pampas FM of Santiago, Radio Sorriso FM of Panambi, Radio Ciranda FM of Santo Augusto, Radio Santo Ângelo AM of Santo Ângelo, Radio Guaramano AM of Guarani das Missões and Rádio Tapense AM of Tapes.